City councils, citizens and civil society organisations are creating measures in neighbourhoods and communities to sustain social cohesion and to keep our spirits up.

Football matches attended by cardboard figures with fans’ pictures
Fans of a German football club are replaced in the stadiums by cardboard cutouts. This project supports local businesses and charities.

Food boxes for people in need
A youth-led initiative collects donations to support the poorest households in Lebanon with food supplies.

An Italian municipalitiy started a campaign to encourage people to combine jogging or walking with picking up trash, as a lockdown-compatible activity.

A government initiative supports organisations and individuals
#GdańskPomaga connects those who need support with those people who offer their support through an easy online form. This initiative is a joint effort by the city of Gdansk and its partners.

Study support for school children at home
An Italian volunteer organisation offers online tutoring to help kids through this period of remote learning.

University students tutor pupils for free
An educational initiative connects pupils studying at home with a university student willing to support them with their schoolwork.

Code word for domestic abuse
In France and Spain women can use code words to report domestic abuse at pharmacies.

A campaign to share stories of kindness on social media
To share stories of kindness and show that citizens’ sense of community is not confined by walls, the Mayor of London launched the #LondonTogether campaign.

3d-printed ear guards for people constantly wearing masks
3D-printed ear guards relieve hospital staff from the pain caused by wearing protective masks all day.

Online one-stop-shop for community messages and Information
A Facebook page provides a community with reliable information. The quality is ensured by a diverse team connecting health services, the police and the clergy.

Food baskets for the homeless
To support the homeless during the coronavirus pandemic, the residents of Naples put baskets outside their windows filled with basic necessities.

App organises help regionally
To match people who seek help with those who offer it, an app using the regional dialect connects those who are close to each other.