Schools are closed. Homeschooling techniques are a challenge. Best practices help parents and children to cope with distance learning.
Online activities for children
The Istituto degli Innocenti offers online activities such as games and workshops for children.
Municipality broadcasts videos for children
Besiktas municipality provides children with colourful educational videos through its YouTube Channel to make social isolation more bearable.
A government platform to inform about EdTech
As many EdTech projects are still unknown to teachers, parents and children, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry provides an overview of potential offers.
Google drones deliver books to students in lockdown
Due to the acute corona situation, schools and libraries in parts of the USA are still closed. To provide pupils with reading material during the lockdown, a school library in the US state of Virginia
Tablets and internet access to for underprivileged pupils
Save the Children Italy provides children in their programmes with tablets and internet access to enable them to follow remote learning.
Home Youth Theatre
A youth theatre project goes online by sharing videos of performances and stories and giving acting tips to try at home.
Children’s university goes online
The children’s university in Vienna has started an online programme with scientists explaining their work to children in short videos.
Online political education for children
The German Federal Centre for Political Education recorded several hours of classes and educational material to familiarize youths with political topics.
Suggestions on how to spend time with children during lockdown
The Italian project Villa Fernandes shares suggestions on meaningful activities for children during lockdown.
School laptops lent out to students
Some schools are lending their school computers to students so they can participate in online classes.
A government’s education resource centre
To support the education sector, non-governmental organisations and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic launched an online platform with up-to-date information and guidelines for schools, teachers, parents, and students.
Online lessons adapted to context
A dutch teacher humorously adapted the content of online lessons to topics relevant to students in their current situation.