It is widely agreed that digitalisation efforts should be on top of decision-makers’ agendas. To act as trusted political leaders in a democracy in the digital age, politicians and political staff at all levels need to be open to technology and to adapt to new developments.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.

Reflecting the impact of Covid-19 on the SDGs
A new exhibition of Technisches Museum in Vienna, Austria aims to reflect the pandemic on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations.

Supporting young people in launching projects to support their region
To motivate young people to develop ideas that support their neighbourhood, city or region, “wweeddoo” called for the best ideas and offers them financial support.

4 insights we have gained on the upcoming challenges of governments
What are the most pressing challenges of governments in the second half of 2020?

Reducing the impact of fake news during the Covid-19 crisis
To fight fake news around Covid-19, a French project raises awareness for false information regarding the pandemic.
Website lists local support services
A website launched by the city administration of Rheinfelden gives its citizens an overview of local support services.

Publicly discussing the geopolitical consequences of Covid-19
The French project Open Diplomacy started a public platform to discuss the geopolitical effects of Covid-19.

Providing hospitals and frontline medical staff with necessary equipment
To provide hospitals with missing equipment, an initiative crowdsources necessary materials such as masks and visors.