Open-source sprint for the health system
Multiple teams working virtually to solve eight challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Home delivered meals for the elderly
A Turkish municipality delivers cooked meals to the elderly twice a day.

Online socialising in quarantine
A digital platform makes it possible to schedule online activities and virtual meet-ups.

Debunking myths on Covid-19
Multilingual website offering reliable information on Covid-19 by experts and scientists.

Hotels offer rooms to Covid-19 patients’ families and care staff
At a new online platform, hotels offer their rooms at cost price to care staff and family members of Covid-19 patients.

Collection of resources for teachers and parents
The platform schoolclosures.org presents a structured overview of tools and information to help parents and teachers through schoolclosures.
Provision packages for daily wage workers
Provision packages are being distributed to provide food for daily wage workers in India.

Tools for transit agencies and cities
A selection of resources helps cities and transit agencies to respond to the coronavirus crisis.

Virtual hospital for decentralised special medical care
Decentralising special medical care through a digital platform which connects more than 200 hospitals allows for the efficient use of intensive care units.