Using population maps to tackle disease outbreaks and plan public health campaigns
Artificial Intelligence can be used to create disease prevention maps. They provide information on where outbreaks may occur and the potential spread of disease.

Providing email support for concerned citizens
To offer support for those who have no symptoms but feel stressed about being Covid-19 positive, an online consultation form was created.

Contactless food delivery
To reduce the risk of infection, a food delivery company defines strict rules for restaurants and delivery staff.
A resource centre for public sector practitioners
The Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School curates an online platform to provide resources for public sector practitioners.

Local WhatsApp chat groups inform in 15 different languages
To ensure that those who may be not familiar with a country’s national language get all the necessary information regarding Covid-19, 40 immigrant associations set up Whatsapp groups in different languages.

Providing a knowledge bank for online tools that are an alternative to personal meetings
A knowledge bank offers materials on how to facilitate digital study circles and cultural events.
Automatically opening and closing doors in public transport
To reduce the risk of infection, passengers no longer have to touch the door openers of metros, trams, and buses.

Kindergarten provides online services
A Lithuanian kindergarten keeps its digital doors open with Skype and Facebook.
An online learning programme about technology for school children
An organisation invites children, parents, and teachers to join free technology classes.