Providing funds for remote learning in schools
The Italian social enterprise “Con i bambini”, an institution that manages resources to combat educational and child poverty, asks current projects to evaluate the possibility supporting distance learning and assistance systems in Italian schools.

Network for effective philantropic responses to the coronacrisis
Several philanthropic networks in Europe have joined up to share knowledge and provide guidance on effective philanthropic responses to Covid-19.

Providing a safe place for medical and Red Cross teams
A social initiative provides places to stay for medical and Red Cross teams so they don’t have to worry about transportation, commuting, or exposing their families to the virus.

A virtual space for children who fight oncological diseases
To support children with oncological diseases to overcome the boredom during lockdown, the LAD project has created a virtual space for them to share stories, magic, and more.

Psychological support for children
To support parents and children during the lockdown in Italy, the USL company created a new telephone counseling service.

Virtually enjoying arts
Three museums in Gobrovo, Bulgaria go digital during the lockdown so art lovers can enjoy their collection from their homes.

Children paint pictures for senior citizens
To ease the loneliness during the lockdown, children painted pictures to be given to retirement home residents as Easter presents.

Digital workshops help children to stay in touch with each other
A project started by the Emilia Romagna region helps children to maintain relationships with each other and strengthens their imagination skills.

Online support for treating the psychological effects of the crisis
To support citizens who experience a high stress level, the city council of Barakaldo announced the start of an online psychological support programme.