The coronavirus not only threatens our physical health, many of us need support to boost their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Food baskets for the homeless
To support the homeless during the coronavirus pandemic, the residents of Naples put baskets outside their windows filled with basic necessities.
Digital workshops help children to stay in touch with each other
A project started by the Emilia Romagna region helps children to maintain relationships with each other and strengthens their imagination skills.
Survival-kit for men against domestic violence
A practical survival-kit gives men strategies to cope with stress in the current coronacrisis situation.
Risk-mitigating measures for public transport
How to ensure that the local traffic infrastructure can continue its services, while at the same time protecting its staff and passengers from infection.
Educational institutions maintain contact with parents and children
The Education and School Institution in Bologna keeps in touch with children and parents in order to maintain the relationship with them.
Medically qualified migrants may help to tackle the coronavirus
Qualified doctors from foreign countries help Germany to overcome its shortage on medical personnel.
Supporting the most vulnerable through the production of personal protection masks
The Sanctuary Mask Initiative (SMI) provides hygiene masks for people living in Direct Provision Centres and other vulnerable populations in the community, including the elderly.
Listening to those working in medicine, nursing and care
A support line allows medical staff to talk about their problems and stress related issues with empathic listeners.
Digital artwork displayed on demand
To provide people with enjoyable moments during the coronavirus crisis, the artist Aoife Dunne displays his digital installation in their homes upon request.
An urban crowdsourcing platform for mutual aid
To connect those who offer help and those who need help, the City of Linz created a crowdsourcing platform.
Free accommodation for people in quarantine
A total of 53 individual accommodation spaces will be available for patients placed in Covid-19 quarantine at the Peleș Castle, one of the most beautiful castles in all of Europe.
Suggestions on how to spend time with children during lockdown
The Italian project Villa Fernandes shares suggestions on meaningful activities for children during lockdown.