The coronavirus not only threatens our physical health, many of us need support to boost their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Establishing a city-wide 24/7 hotline to support those in need
A hotline is provided for the particularly vulnerable, to receive assistance with necessary errands. Some people are more vulnerable to infectious disease than others. In the case of Covid-19, the elderly and people with certain
Offering holiday apartments to medical personnel
To show medical workers their gratitude, a platform offers a way to provide them with a free holiday at a holiday residence.
Mobile hand-washing facilities
Mobile hand-washing facilities are set up in highly frequented public spaces to prevent the spread of the virus. Due to a high fluctuation of passengers, means of public transport are potential places for infectious diseases
Message on windows and balconies
Kids in Italy are hanging up pictures of rainbows as messages of hope on their windows and balconies.
Crowdfunding for hospital medical equipment
To support San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, citizens initiated a crowdfunding campaign which brought 4.5 million euros for new equipment for the ICU.
Virtual assistants answer citizens’ pressing questions related to Covid-19
The government of Panama developed two virtual assistants named Rosa and Paco. Both help citizens by answering questions about health and security matters during the coronavirus crisis.
Using contact trackers to fight the spread of covid-19
People who source the latest contacts of newly quarantined patients help to fight the outbreak of Covid-19.
Free mental health services for all residents
In partnership with the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the BC Psychological Association (BCPA), the Province of British Colombia offers free mental health services to all residents.
Activating the tech community to solve Covid-19-related challenges
Bringing together tech communities and doctors, nurses and all operators involved, an Italian initiative aims to collect a selection of resources, technologies, intelligent machines and robots to tackle the effects of Covid-19.
Daily online sports lessons for kids
Sports lessons on YouTube keep kids active while having to stay at home.
Spending a virtual night out in a wine bar
To provide customers with the possibility to spend time in a restaurant at least virtually, a restaurant organises a virtual night out via Zoom every other evening.
A print template for neighbor-to-neighbor support
A document available in 10 languages empowers communities to work together in times of crisis.