How to protect businesses and employees during the crisis. How to optimise working from home. Ideas, services and technology that make our tasks easier in these extreme circumstances.
Making humanitarian interventions Covid-19-compatible
To create evidence on how humanitarian programmes need to be adapted according to varying contexts and socio-cultural settings, three universities set up a platform.
Government loans for small businesses
To support businesses with fewer than 500 employees, the city of New York offers a loan-based Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
U:DO helps with applying for short-time work
An initiative, developed during the German hackathon “WirvsVirus”, helps with applying for short-time work.
Using population maps to tackle disease outbreaks and plan public health campaigns
Artificial Intelligence can be used to create disease prevention maps. They provide information on where outbreaks may occur and the potential spread of disease.
Stickers in public transport
A sticker reminds public transport users to push door-opening buttons with their elbows.
Supporting local shops that offer home delivery
A geo-referenced online map shows the small neighborhood shops and businesses that sell essential goods and offer home delivery.
Activating the tech community to solve Covid-19-related challenges
Bringing together tech communities and doctors, nurses and all operators involved, an Italian initiative aims to collect a selection of resources, technologies, intelligent machines and robots to tackle the effects of Covid-19.
Supporting the most vulnerable through the production of personal protection masks
The Sanctuary Mask Initiative (SMI) provides hygiene masks for people living in Direct Provision Centres and other vulnerable populations in the community, including the elderly.
Social distancing stickers in supermarkets
Stickers on the floors of supermarkets are telling customers to stand in line with distance between each other.
Simplifying doctor-patient communication
New policies enable consulting a doctor and receiving prescriptions without personal contact.
Giving public space to bars and cafes
To support local businesses, the city of Vilnius allocates public space to bars and cafés so they can operate despite physical distancing rules.
3D printing door openers
To prevent the transmission of Covid-19, a 3D printer plan for innovative door openers is provided. The transmission of Infectious diseases is not only a matter of personal interaction. To prevent the spread of Covid-19