How to protect businesses and employees during the crisis. How to optimise working from home. Ideas, services and technology that make our tasks easier in these extreme circumstances.

Virtual Facilitation Toolkit
A toolkit for virtual meeting facilitation supports moderators and facilitators in making the most of online formats.

Using crowdfunding to provide a face mask for every citizen
The municipality of Viterbo collects donations to empower companies to reconvert their production lines to the production of face masks.

Anonymous Shopping Donations
To support people in need, people can donate goods while doing their shopping. The donations are then distributed by the municipality.

Providing a knowledge bank for online tools that are an alternative to personal meetings
A knowledge bank offers materials on how to facilitate digital study circles and cultural events.

VIrtually seeing a doctor
Doctors open virtual practices to care for their patients online. At “KinderarztNow”, you dial in via laptop, smartphone or phone to have your personal session with a doctor.

Stickers in public transport
A sticker reminds public transport users to push door-opening buttons with their elbows.

Giving public space to bars and cafes
To support local businesses, the city of Vilnius allocates public space to bars and cafés so they can operate despite physical distancing rules.
An Innovation Map helps people to adapt to life during the COVID-19
A worldwide Innovation Map was launched to provide citizens with an overview of innovations helping to adapt to life during the coronavirus pandemic.

Insurance company finances solidarity projects in France
An insurance company in France provides its members with exceptional assistance to help finance actions directly linked to the fight against Covid-19.

Distilleries produce hand-sanitizer
During the outbreak of an infectious disease, more disinfectant is needed than usual. A temporary shortage of disinfectant occurred in many places during the current COVID-19 outbreak. Many health institutions worried that they would not

Supporting local shops that offer home delivery
A geo-referenced online map shows the small neighborhood shops and businesses that sell essential goods and offer home delivery.

A digital stage for art, music and theatre ensembles
A project which was developed during the German government’s Hackathon empowers music and theatre ensembles to rehearse at home and to perform live on a digital stage in front of an audience.