This Anti-Smog Campaign engages with local identity to transform attitudes on heat homes enabling a transition to cleaner energy sources and, consequently, cleaner air.

This Anti-Smog Campaign engages with local identity to transform attitudes on heat homes enabling a transition to cleaner energy sources and, consequently, cleaner air.
In a complex process, carried out between 2019 and 2022, a widely accepted vision for Lublin in 2030 was agreed upon with a strategy for the development of Lublin.
Youth Participatory Budgeting aims to support the development of ideas, engage students in selecting the most appropriate initiatives, and help young people learn how to make collective decisions in their school communities.
Fifty trainee chefs use surplus food from food stores to cook three-course meals for those in need, preventing food waste while feeding the hungry.
The School Participatory Budget is a democratic process in which selected educational institutions co-decide on the division of a budget allocated to them.
This rainwater collection project involves building storage reservoirs in kindergartens, educating preschoolers about the importance of rainwater and the water cycle, and encouraging effective management of rainwater on school properties.
Rybnik takes an innovative and comprehensive new approach to public meal procurement, to ensure the food provided in its institutions is both healthy and sustainable.
Rybnik sets a national example for civic improvement initiatives by adopting a participatory approach to the revitalisation of degraded areas.
Gdynia’s comprehensive measures have made it one of the first deaf-friendly cities in Poland, ensuring that residents with special needs can fully participate in, and benefit from, city services.
The Gdynia Dialogue Platform centralises information on city projects and engagement opportunities in an open-source format, allowing residents to participate in consultations both in person and online.
The City of Rybnik uses participatory budgeting to allocate funds to social projects voted on by residents, empowering citizens to shape the direction of their city’s development.
This project aims to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation among 350 children aged 6-10 from the City of Lublin through specialist training, workshops, company visits, and a final gala, promoting the city’s economy among project participants.
Residents are involved in the creation of the city’s development strategy, enabling the realisation of a shared vision for the future.
The Urban Lab Rzeszów involves local residents in the development of their city, improving the appearance of the city as well as the quality of life for all residents.
Big business subsidises the cost of cargo e-bikes so that entrepreneurs can take advantage of the multiple benefits of delivering goods using this sustainable form of transport.
An outdoor adventure playground gives children the opportunity to explore nature with their peers under the supervision of specially trained play workers.
The first social supermarket in Poland provides high-quality goods at low prices, supporting the most socially and financially vulnerable residents while also reducing food waste.
All secondary school students in Warsaw are invited to participate in workshops that give them a basic understanding of how the city functions, showing them how they can have an impact on local development.
The Social Institute of Culture supports the connections between artists, creatives and the wider community by allocating long-term funds to a diverse range of cultural projects.
A small local authority attracts new, permanent residents by creating a welcome and support centre for repatriates.