An initiative in Parma supports entrepreneurship and youth employability through laboratories that explain business planning, innovative learning and tools, and enable the use fo collaborative spaces and services.

An initiative in Parma supports entrepreneurship and youth employability through laboratories that explain business planning, innovative learning and tools, and enable the use fo collaborative spaces and services.
Small and medium-sized businesses in Lublin’s city centre are individually supported as the district is revived.
A new entrepreneurial spirit is being fostered in schools in Finland with an entrepreneurship training that focuses on learning-by-doing, nudging teachers to keep a habit of lifelong learning.
An initiative, with 500 certified consultants, targets small- and medium-sized enterprises and helps them take concrete steps towards digitising their business.
Startups are supported by networking, experts, and workshops, and encouraged through funding to have a positive social and economic impact on Milan.
A bottom-up plan aims at the revitalisation of a former industrial city through digitalisation, and the grouping of innovative minds to collect and execute ideas to reinvigorate the economy.
Citizens are encouraged to invest (even small amounts) in local businesses, allowing them to become more independent and promoting regional prosperity.
A unique educational programme that is designed to encourage an entrepreneurial spirit in primary schools.
The government provides small- and medium-sized companies with expert guidance and advice on how to take part in the digital transformation, through a cross-sectoral programme of knowledge and technology transfer.
A city administration offers all businesses legal, marketing, and business-counselling support for free, to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown.