A comprehensive range of supportive actions respond to the needs of students, teachers and parents facing the rapidly changing conditions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The pandemic’s onset, the transition to online schooling, and dealing with social isolation and worry for one’s own and one’s family’s health have all had an impact on children, adolescents, and adults’ psychological well-being. Recognising these dangers, Gdynia’s local administration implemented a variety of steps geared largely at ensuring the well-being of young people. Because of the fast-changing environment, each of the scheduled events was created to meet the real demands of students, instructors, and parents.
The most important activities include: individual psychological consultations for teachers; workshops for teachers, psychologists and pedagogues from psychological-educational counselling centres on suicide prevention and digital addiction prevention; a support helpline and a chat room for young people called “How are you?”; a survey on the quality of relations among students, parents, teachers and headmasters; a project called “prevention of depression among children and adolescents”; comprehensive support for students taking final exams in pandemic conditions; and, purchase of equipment for e-learning for students and teachers.
Helping people to adapt
The initiative reacts to the circumstances created by the pandemic’s abrupt onset and the necessity to act quickly and effectively to maximise students’, instructors’, and parents’ adaptability to distant learning and social isolation in an environment of increasing anxiety and uncertainty. It is expected that the skills gained via participation in the initiative would be used by participants after the pandemic to help them operate more smoothly in society and manage with future crisis circumstances.