A centre is designed for young people where they can organise their own timetable, share ideas and hobbies, and work on projects together.
SUPPORTing LOCAL YOUTH initiatives
The primary goal of the Wymiennikownia (WM) Youth Centre is to support the bottom-up initiatives of the local youth, helping young people to implement their ideas, share hobbies, and fulfil their passions. It provides the space and conditions for spending free time in interesting ways. Responsibilities are delegated to young people, breaking usual conventions, as well as expanding what the district and city can offer young people through various events.
Having taken over the operative management, young people adjusted the centre’s opening hours to their habits of spending free time. The schedule of workshops and events in WM is prepared based on the projects submitted by young and active citizens of Gdynia, and it changes in accordance with their moods and plans. Independent decision-making on what events to organise or take part in is the essence of the place. Skills and knowledge are exchanged through the operation of the centre: "I can do something and show you how to do it, too, and I can also learn something through teaching you." In addition, young people themselves, in cooperation with professionals, designed the interiors of the centre based on their own ideas and the activities they plan to conduct.
The implementation of the centre’s programme shows that young people involved in the WM activities also engage in other city projects (e.g. participatory budgeting, volunteering at events and festivals) and participate in European mobility projects. Young and committed leaders from the centre have been formally hired to coordinate and look after the place in the coming years. Thematic classes for junior high and high school students are organised in WM in the mornings. It is a space and place for youth organisations and institutions to meet and cooperate. The resources of the members and participants make up the main value of WM. Each member contributes and shares what he or she thinks is valuable.