City councils, citizens and civil society organisations are creating measures in neighbourhoods and communities to sustain social cohesion and to keep our spirits up.
Isolation rooms for homeless people
To support homeless people the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski organized special isolation rooms for homeless people, which are fully furnished and equipped with bathrooms and care agents.
Collective responses to global health emergencies
A platform invites local and regional governments of all sizes to share their initiatives tackling Covid-19 and other health emergencies.
Regional youth platform
The municipality of Reggio Emilia created a new section on its website where young people can find local online projects and services.
Public volunteer programme to support a country’s health structures
To meet the growing demands within a country’s health system, a volunteer programme for doctors, nurses, paramedics, psychologists, and students and retirees with a health or nursing background was set up.
Documenting the coronacrisis with objects
A museum in Vienna documents the coronavirus crisis with crowdsourced pictures of personal objects.
Code word for domestic abuse
In France and Spain women can use code words to report domestic abuse at pharmacies.
Blog to bring people together
On a famous newsportal in Estonia a blog section was created to links people looking for information on jobs and/or where to get support with businesses/volunteers who can provide and assist.
A voucher system that helps local entrepreneurs
To help small local businesses to survive the coronavirus crisis, this platform enables them sell gift vouchers to consumers.
Checking in on the vulnerable
A national postal service doubles up as a check-in and support service for older and vulnerable people.
Nationwide Covid-19 volunteering effort
A government initiative coordinates volunteering efforts at a local and nationwide level, connecting state and voluntary resources.
Providing hospitals and frontline medical staff with necessary equipment
To provide hospitals with missing equipment, an initiative crowdsources necessary materials such as masks and visors.
Supporting local and regional retailers in trouble
Register of small businesses encourages people to buy local in times of crisis. Times of crisis are often particularly hard on small businesses. As part of the necessary measures in fighting the current Covid-19 outbreak,