City councils, citizens and civil society organisations are creating measures in neighbourhoods and communities to sustain social cohesion and to keep our spirits up.

Cooking for heroes
A platform lists restaurants that are offering meals for people working in the care sector and other essential professions.

Shopping and pharmacy deliveries
A municipality offers shopping and pharmacy deliveries with the help of volunteers from a local NGO.

Structuring a digital work day with others working from home
FNF MENA structures their day with digital check-ins at the beginning and end of each day and now they are inviting everyone to join in.

A platform that tells citizens how they can support their government
The government of Ontario started an initiative to empower citizens to help fight coronavirus. Citizens can offer emergency products and innovative solutions or volunteer to support the government’s response to Covid-19.

Local platform for neighbourhood support
A local platform for neighbourhood support matches people who need help with those who offer it.

Books delivered to the most vulnerable
To bring fun and distraction to children and to help improve their mental wellbeing during the lockdown, a charity delivers books to local families.

Pharmacy produces disinfectant with community support
A German pharmacy produces disinfect with ingredients obtained through wide community outreach.

3d-printed ear guards for people constantly wearing masks
3D-printed ear guards relieve hospital staff from the pain caused by wearing protective masks all day.
Local business support platform
An online platform lets customers buy vouchers from small local businesses for later use to support them in the current situation.
Transforming an existing platform to serve the community for a new cause
An existing platform now allows people to start helping and sharing teams that act like individual networks

Community help facebook groups
A facebook group helps people coordinate offers and requests for help across Denmark.

Digital church
An online platform creates spaces for encounter for church congregations.