Many governments have implemented social distancing and quarantine. These best practices help to provide entertainment and distraction while complying with the imposed measures.
Children paint pictures for senior citizens
To ease the loneliness during the lockdown, children painted pictures to be given to retirement home residents as Easter presents.
Guided online exhibition tour
A virtual version of a photography exhibition combines a guided tour with artist interviews and workshops for children.
Running event made digital
Turning the AG Antwerp 10 Miles into a virtual event allows runners to compete while keeting a safe distance from each other.
Homestage Festivals (virtual festival to support artists)
An online festival with livestreamed performances supports local artists.
Take-away library books
A Swedish library organises contactless pick-ups of books outside the library to provide reading material during the lockdowns.
Drive-in cinemas
Drive-in cinemas are safe way to watch movies in times of physical distancing.
Mayors and local leaders show how they manage the crisis
Act.Now gives insights into how regional governments and municipalities successfully manage the crisis.
Supporting young people in launching projects to support their region
To motivate young people to develop ideas that support their neighbourhood, city or region, “wweeddoo” called for the best ideas and offers them financial support.
Tallinn librarians read to children over the phone during lockdown
The librarians from Tallinn Central Library read books to children over the phone, Skype or Facebook until the government-imposed isolation ends.
Organ concerts for retirement homes
Musicians in two German cities gave concerts just outside of retirement homes.
Using air mattresses to enjoy concerts on a lake
A new event format allows artists to perform on rafts on a lake with the audience listening on boats, surfboards and air mattresses.
Enjoying live theatre via Zoom
An Oxford theatre company staged a play on Zoom and invited their audience to participate.