Schools are closed. Homeschooling techniques are a challenge. Best practices help parents and children to cope with distance learning.

A government platform to inform about EdTech
As many EdTech projects are still unknown to teachers, parents and children, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry provides an overview of potential offers.
Guided online exhibition tour
A virtual version of a photography exhibition combines a guided tour with artist interviews and workshops for children.

Municipality broadcasts videos for children
Besiktas municipality provides children with colourful educational videos through its YouTube Channel to make social isolation more bearable.

Mayors and local leaders show how they manage the crisis
Act.Now gives insights into how regional governments and municipalities successfully manage the crisis.
Programming training for children at home
The Digital Kids Foundation opens its resources for child programming training and launches a virtual programming training initiative in early April until the end of quarantine.
Online storytelling for young people
During the closures of libraries, a storytelling event for young people is organised online.

Digital international exchange between pupils
An online platform connects students from several European countries so they can share their perspectives on the coronavirus crisis.

Educational app with WhatsApp integration
By integrating digital educational material into WhatsApp, it is more accessible for less privileged children.

Addressing all needs for online learning
A support organisation finds out what children need to continue learning from home and organises help with wide support from its community.

School television on local TV channel
The city of Vienna broadcasts lessons in major subjects and natural sciences for secondary students on the city’s TV channel.

Children’s university goes online
The children’s university in Vienna has started an online programme with scientists explaining their work to children in short videos.
An online learning programme about technology for school children
An organisation invites children, parents, and teachers to join free technology classes.