Collective children’s diary
Children in Barcelona can share their stories, pictures and drawings to a collective online diary. After the lockdown, it will be part of a public exhibition.

An Italian municipalitiy started a campaign to encourage people to combine jogging or walking with picking up trash, as a lockdown-compatible activity.

Free psychological support
Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, clergy, and educators provide free psychological suppor
Storybook helps young people to cope with Covid-19
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and dozens more humanitarian partners created a storybook to help children understand and come to terms with Covid-19.

Using Facebook Live and Youtube to communicate with citizens
To reach a diverse set of audiences, the Mayor of Bratislava uses Facebook Live and Youtube to interact with citizens and motivate them.
Providing adequate assistance for homeless people
To care for homeless people during the pandemic whilst protecting public health, health professionals and social workers offer assistance in Bratislava.

What we do and how we work
The Austrian TV channel W24 wanted to find out more about our initiative. Innovation in Politics Institute CEO Edward Strasser gave an interview – check it out!
Creating a transparent system of financing and providing assistance
An initiative set up the largest database of requests for medical facilities and retirement homes in Slovakia. Within one month of its founding, the initiative managed to provide protective equipment and devices worth 1.3 million EUR.

Digitising a school during the Covid-19 pandemic
While thousands of schools in Germany struggle with teaching children through online tools, one school in Bavaria completely digitised itself.