Ramadan cooking for the homeless
In a German town, women from Muslim charities are cooking for homeless people during Ramadan.

Digitally equipped cabins to provide government services to citizens
The Polish city of Otwock installed six cabins equipped with a computer, microphone, camera and multifunction device to keep up government services.

Municipality broadcasts videos for children
Besiktas municipality provides children with colourful educational videos through its YouTube Channel to make social isolation more bearable.

A platform to support mutual aid and the local economy
Fabrique Citoyenne in Rennes, France set up a website highlighting how residents can support each other and their community.

Free walk-in coronavirus testing station
To organise large-scale Covid-19 testings in Gdansk, a mobile testing centre opened at the University Clinical Center.

DIY face mask tutorial
A YouTube tutorial shows how to cut and sew a face mask step by step, no sewing machine needed.

Open-source medical supplies
A Facebook group set up by the OSMS Medical Team shares promising open-source designs for key supplies during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Special trolleys in supermarkets to support families in need
In Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily, Carrefour supermarkets collect basic necessities for families in need in designated trolleys placed at the checkout counter.

Food baskets for the homeless
To support the homeless during the coronavirus pandemic, the residents of Naples put baskets outside their windows filled with basic necessities.