To make it possible for public health officials to evaluate anonymized real-time data on the spread of Covid-19, a platform asks citizens to provide live updates on their health conditions.
Category: Community
A government’s hackathon to tackle challenges in developing countries
With the #SmartDevelopmentHack, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development aims to support the development of digital solutions to overcome Covid-19-related challenges in developing countries. The best solutions receive funding to increase their impact in the long term.
A government initiative supports organisations and individuals
#GdańskPomaga connects those who need support with those people who offer their support through an easy online form. This initiative is a joint effort by the city of Gdansk and its partners.
A message of thanks for volunteers
An LGBTQ support platform lets people write messages of thanks for its volunteers.
Bags as sign of solidarity
People hang cloth bags with the German word for “good neighbours” out of their windows to show they are willing to help.
Connecting people with skills to solve Covid-19 related challenges
COVIDbase connects people with skills relevant to certain projects to inspire new ideas.
Supporting the LGBTQ youth
As LGBTQ youths may be particularly vulnerable to the negative mental health impact of Covid-19, the Trevor Project ensures that this vulnerable group gets the support they need.
Platform connects pupils with university students for support
An online platform connects pupils who need help with their remote learning tasks with university students who have time to help.
Collective responses to global health emergencies
A platform invites local and regional governments of all sizes to share their initiatives tackling Covid-19 and other health emergencies.
Checking in on the vulnerable
A national postal service doubles up as a check-in and support service for older and vulnerable people.
Free postcards for staying in touch
Ireland’s postal service delivers free postcards nationwide to help everyone stay in touch and keep spirits up.
Nationwide Covid-19 volunteering effort
A government initiative coordinates volunteering efforts at a local and nationwide level, connecting state and voluntary resources.
Covid-19 Rapid Response Call
To support scientists working on solutions for coping with the Covid-19 pandemic, a rapid response fund was launched.
Free parking for hospital staff and care workers
A city council offers free parking for hospital staff and care workers.
New type of oxygen device to help Covid-19 patients breathe
An easy to produce ventilator could fill the shortage of breathing devices in intensive care units.
Community support for healthcare workers
A volunteer platform for healthcare workers matches their requests for help with people offering their support.
Local online virus tracker
An online map features regular updates on the spread of Covid-19 and exposes fake news.
3d-printed ear guards for people constantly wearing masks
3D-printed ear guards relieve hospital staff from the pain caused by wearing protective masks all day.
Co-creation platform for Covid-19 challenges
A platform calls for challenges related to the Covid-19 outbreak and facilitates the collaboration of different stakeholders to find solutions.
Matchmaking for dog walking
A Facebook group helps people who are self-isolating at home to get help walking their dog.