About The Innovation in Politics Institute
The Innovation in Politics Institute is an international, non-governmental organisation that identifies, develops and implements innovation in politics in order to strengthen democracy in Europe and beyond.
With offices in Vienna and Berlin and a robust network of partner organisations across Europe, the Institute collaborates with political leaders at all levels, the private sector, and civil society to shape tomorrow’s politics today.
Press Releases

7th International Mayors’ Conference NOW
More than 550 guests celebrate innovative European politics in Berlin

Innovation in Politics Awards 2018 in Wien verliehen
Am Samstag wurden in Wien die Innovation in Politics Awards für die besten politischen Projekte aus ganz Europa zum zweiten Mal verliehen. Aus über 600 Nominierten wurden in acht Kategorien 80 Finalisten und acht Gewinner von einer Jury aus 1.053 europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern ausgewählt.

Innovation in Politics Awards 2017: 150 finalists and experts discuss groundbreaking projects in Vienna
Out of 589 nominated projects, a jury of 1,022 European citizens has selected 80 finalists, representing a wide spectrum of political work.