By forming partnerships between the private sector and the municipalities, job opportunities are created in Jordan for a region with a high influx of refugees.
the challenge of integrating refugees
Khair Al-Koura was initiated by the Municipality of Deir Abu Sa’id in Jordan. This region has received many refugees, and the project was set up to integrate them and enhance social cohesion between the refugees and local people, creating income opportunities for youth, women, and refugees.
cooperation between public and private sectors
By forming partnerships between the private sector and the municipalities, job opportunities were created. Municipalities provide the private sector with resources, such as free land, buildings, or storage facilities. Various local productions were developed, including a chemical-free farm, a packaging facility, a soap and candle manufacturing operation, and many more.
SUCCESSFUL local sustainable development
Not only did the project establish work places – 17 for women and youth, and more than 200 seasonal income opportunities for community members – employees were also offered training opportunities. The project was a success, and is now considered a pioneer, model initiative of public-private-partnership for local sustainable development.
The income from these projects goes back to the employees; refugees and women who support their families.