Best Practice in Politics
We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.

Antivirus Crowdhackathon
Creative and hacking minds meet remotely, interpret the changes caused by COVID-19, and convert the global crisis into an opportunity for progress.

A series of programmes in personal development and creative exploration build new opportunities for talented young people and reveal their potential.

Atlantic Economic Corridor
This initiative connects remote areas with different types of infrastructure, and is designed to promote investment, living, learning, and prosperity along the Atlantic coast region of Ireland.

Be-More is an online platform which simplifies the search for a suitable apprenticeship in Liverpool.

Boost By FC Rosengård
A soccer club creates opportunities with an individualised programme for the economically inexperienced youth, to help them find employment.

Care for Integration and Related Services
This project assists refugees in their integration into nursing and healthcare professions.

Covid-19 Support for Gdynia’s Entrepreneurs
A city administration offers all businesses legal, marketing, and business-counselling support for free, to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Creative & Digital District Charleroi
A bottom-up plan aims at the revitalisation of a former industrial city through digitalisation, and the grouping of innovative minds to collect and execute ideas to reinvigorate the economy.

Creative Tourism Lab
The youth in Opatija create a lab for creative tourism, taking over the design of the logo, the development of activities, and marketing directions.

Engaging the Long Term Unemployed by Greening Public Spaces and Training
The city’s public green spaces are in this programme maintained by the long-term unemployed, such as people without education or war veterans, who in return get to choose from a range of training and educational courses.

FabriQ – The Social Enterprise Incubator
Startups are supported by networking, experts, and workshops, and encouraged through funding to have a positive social and economic impact on Milan.

Factory of Hope
A programme in Chieuti expands the range of services for people with mental disabilities, and offers a way of inclusion in an olive processing and bottling factory.

Feminist City Planning – Praxagora
Feminist architecture, focusing on female requirements in urban space in a Stockholm neighbourhood, makes women feel safer and more at ease.

Free Telemedicine Initiative Against Coronavirus
Free teleconsultation services help keep citizens safe and informed through the coronavirus lockdown, thanks to a collaboration between medical staff, local government, and the startup-sector.

Graz Fund for Promotion and Development
Graz supports the professional development of the working population at risk of poverty, with grants for education and training.

Harraga Boys
A programme in Palermo provides a support system for unaccompanied migrant minors with skills training, work placement, and social housing.

Healthy Eating in Nurseries
An orchard and greenhouse provides fresh, healthy, and environmentally friendly fruit and vegetables for children.

House of Skills
A skills-based labour market is developed by uniting various organisations in career programmes, to support the sustainable employability of lower- and medium-skilled workers.

Housing First, Örebro
When homeless people are provided with a home, they have a better chance of overcoming unemployment and addiction.

Including People with Intellectual Disabilities
The government of the Province of Biscay makes special provisions to recruit civil servants from societal groups with intellectual disabilities.

Inclusive Employment in Park Maintenance
A special consultant team provides support for employees with disabilities and to the management of the Parks and Gardens Municipal Institute in Barcelona.

Integrated Home Care Development Programme in Lithuania
This programme provides professional assistance to people in Lithuania who privately take care of their family members at home.

The Jobticket provides discounted public transport for employees, motivating urban commuters to relieve the environment and the whole community of individualised mobility.

Karjeras – Lithuania’s First One-Stop Career Centre
A career centre offers guidance and individual consultations to local youth, provided by a team of specialists.

Khair al-Koura – Local Sustainable Development
By forming partnerships between the private sector and the municipalities, job opportunities are created in Jordan for a region with a high influx of refugees.

Training programmes in different locations in Europe and Africa empower disadvantaged groups through digital literacy, to overcome the digital divide and make earning an income locally possible.

Lower Silesian Economic Activity Zone – S3 Jawor
A planned expressway gives a new boost to an economic activity zone in Poland, attracting new investors.

Marketplace for Good Business, Bocholt 2017
‘Speed dating’ for non-profits and companies paves pathways of mutual support, exploring opportunities for cooperation without using payments.

Mittelstand-Digital – Medium-Sized Companies Go Digital
The government provides small- and medium-sized companies with expert guidance and advice on how to take part in the digital transformation, through a cross-sectoral programme of knowledge and technology transfer.

Moyross Training at The Bays
A trades-based training approach in a facility for young adults fills key-skill gaps in the local labour market.

Municipal Apprenticeship Initiative
This project organises apprenticeships for refugees, making up for the decline in local applicants.

No Wrong Door
Structural changes within council care break the negative cycle for young people, with the introduction of comprehensive, multidisciplinary teams.

On / Off Factory
An initiative in Parma supports entrepreneurship and youth employability through laboratories that explain business planning, innovative learning and tools, and enable the use fo collaborative spaces and services.

One-Day Labour Contracts
Working conditions are protected in Bulgaria by a recent law, guaranteeing farm labourers proper pay and insurance through short-term work contracts.

A gamified approach closes the gap between a low-skilled labour force and the fast-growing technical sector, with the help of a skills passport and a tailored education programme for job seekers.

Pilot Project to Develop Apprentices’ Long-Term Mobility within Europe
A framework supported by the European Commission facilitates apprenticeships across borders, letting young people in vocational training catch up with university students in terms of international experiences.

Plymouth 1000 Club
This collaborative platform fosters efficient connections between employers and the young in Plymouth, delivering thousands of job opportunities at a low cost.

Plymouth’s Social Enterprise Investment Fund
This initiative results from imaginative political leadership linked to key officer support, enhancing the already extensive network of organisations and individuals who work together to promote and grow social enterprise through coordinated investments.

Polytechnic at Primary School
Primary school students receive vocational training and participate in projects that involve non-traditional classroom skills, discovering their talents and facilitating a career choice.

Professional Knowledge and a Skills Base for Prisoners
Rehabilitation of prisoners is put into practice through the provision of professional and life-skills training that culminates in a certificate.

Protection for Freelance Workers
Pioneering legislation on workers rights gives freelancers the chance to better negotiate their fees and to be collectively represented by trade unions.

Quality Services for the Residents of Guostagalis
A Services Centre provides social assistance for elderly and socially vulnerable people in a partnership between the community and the authorities.

R-URBAN – Ecological Transition Movement involving Citizens in Civic Resilience Networks
This initiative looks to strengthen urban adaptability to climate change, build social resilience, create new green jobs, and connect municipalities with a hands-on attitude.

Regional Strategy for Social Economy
A regional employment agency sets up two integrative social enterprises to support and address the specific needs of disadvantaged and marginalised people with employment difficulties, providing skills development and work experience.

Antivirus Crowdhackathon
Creative and hacking minds meet remotely, interpret the changes caused by COVID-19, and convert the global crisis into an opportunity for progress.

A series of programmes in personal development and creative exploration build new opportunities for talented young people and reveal their potential.

Atlantic Economic Corridor
This initiative connects remote areas with different types of infrastructure, and is designed to promote investment, living, learning, and prosperity along the Atlantic coast region of Ireland.

Be-More is an online platform which simplifies the search for a suitable apprenticeship in Liverpool.

Boost By FC Rosengård
A soccer club creates opportunities with an individualised programme for the economically inexperienced youth, to help them find employment.

Care for Integration and Related Services
This project assists refugees in their integration into nursing and healthcare professions.

Covid-19 Support for Gdynia’s Entrepreneurs
A city administration offers all businesses legal, marketing, and business-counselling support for free, to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Creative & Digital District Charleroi
A bottom-up plan aims at the revitalisation of a former industrial city through digitalisation, and the grouping of innovative minds to collect and execute ideas to reinvigorate the economy.

Creative Tourism Lab
The youth in Opatija create a lab for creative tourism, taking over the design of the logo, the development of activities, and marketing directions.

Engaging the Long Term Unemployed by Greening Public Spaces and Training
The city’s public green spaces are in this programme maintained by the long-term unemployed, such as people without education or war veterans, who in return get to choose from a range of training and educational courses.

FabriQ – The Social Enterprise Incubator
Startups are supported by networking, experts, and workshops, and encouraged through funding to have a positive social and economic impact on Milan.

Factory of Hope
A programme in Chieuti expands the range of services for people with mental disabilities, and offers a way of inclusion in an olive processing and bottling factory.
The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

DEC112 – Digital Emergency Communication 112
In 2019, DEC112 was launched to provide an alternative to speech-based emergency communication by implementing a text-based service.

B-MINCOME: guaranteed minimum income & active social policies in deprived urban areas
B-MINCOME effectively improves the well-being of families in socially excluded and deprived areas by combining minimum income guarantees with inclusion policies.

SeaProtectorOne, Aarhus
The SeaProtectorOne robot is installed at the river mouth in Aarhus, where the river flows into the harbour, removing rubbish before it enters the sea.