Subsidised education and training courses, with the help of a personal advisor, enable Viennese to secure a fulfilling working life.
A fast-paced and competitive labour market requires employees to constantly improve and expand their skills. The waff education account aims to help everyone in Vienna achieve a secure and fulfilled working life. For example, in completing the equivalent of an apprenticeship or high school programme; in taking additional courses, complementing existing skills; in renewing or expanding on previous training; or, with language classes. Individual subsidies for vocational training and further education help the candidates stem the cost of such classes.
All Viennese currently in employment are eligible for free advice on their individual options regarding education, training, job security, and job mobility. An advisor from waff will accompany them through the entire process of research, decision-making, and the application for financial support. All courses which are subsidised by waff are provided by organisations which carry a certificate to quality. For Viennese providers, waff operates the certification process. There is reciprocal recognition of all Austrian state certificates. In addition, waff provides an open access database, publishing comprehensive up-to-date information on upcoming courses across all fields in Vienna.
PERSONALised guidance
The project takes into account the current job situation of each participant. While counselling is provided for free to all, financial support is determined depending on factors such as their current income, their previous education, and their planned courses. The architecture of the education account project is itself attractive for many potential participants, but a considerable percentage appreciate the personal attention and accompanying services. No matter how many appointments may be necessary, each participant will always be met by the same advisor to develop trust and familiarity. Within this setting, the relevant courses are researched and chosen collaboratively and ultimately stitched together to form a cohesive education plan, tailored to the individual participant’s needs and professional goals.