In our Showroom we present exemplary political projects which successfully address today’s challenges. Each month, we offer you a carefully curated selection of best practices which impact global settings through local change-making.
Climate change remains the most pressing global challenge. Up to this point there is no final conclusion about the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the efforts to combat climate change and globally coordinated strategies still lag behind in effectiveness.
Nonetheless there is an increasing number of noteworthy examples of local action against climate change. Most of them are collaborations between several local stakeholders. We showcase them below:
10 projects where local actors got together to combat climate change

100% Fossil Free Public Transport in Skåne
Biogas and fossil-fuel free electricity now power public transport for 1.3 million people in the region around Malmö, significantly reducing carbon emissions.

InnovationCity Ruhr – Bottrop Model City
Bottrop pledges to reduce carbon emissions by fifty percent in ten years using an InnovationCity master plan bound to spread in the region.

Cool Streets
A practice for heat adaptation in three of Vienna’s hottest areas converted urban streets to Cool Streets, offering water mist sprayers, seating, and neighbourhood-fostering features for four weeks.

UK Climate Emergency Network
Councils across the UK declare climate emergencies and work together in response to the climate crisis with carbon literacy training, green transport, solar power farms, and tree planting.

Super Circular Estate
Outdated high-rise buildings are deconstructed and the recovered materials reused to build sustainable, modern social housing units, with low carbon footprints.

Green Budget
A citizen budget in Lublin is dedicated to the allocation of new green spaces throughout the city, developed and chosen by citizens.

Sustainability Street by Street (The Hague)
A system in the Hague supports neighbourhood sustainability projects, by providing financial support and advise.

Villages Compete for Climate Protection
Villages and private households compete to find the most effective energy-saving measures, and to reduce carbon emissions.

Local Solutions to Global Challenges
A culture of responsibility around climate change is created in a small town through local, climate-friendly actions.

R-URBAN – Ecological Transition Movement involving Citizens in Civic Resilience Networks
This initiative looks to strengthen urban adaptability to climate change, build social resilience, create new green jobs, and connect municipalities with a hands-on attitude.
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