


We honour political work that applies and improves information and communication technologies to strengthen the democratic processes and government services.

Basic AI Education

Finland seeks to educate 1% of European citizens in the basics of Artificial Intelligence to bring to the EU an understanding and capability to match China and the USA in these applications.


Warsaw’s e-service platform simplifies and automates services, providing residents with a more convenient, cost-effective and higher quality means of interacting with their administration.

No Data Waste in Košeca

A modern data collection system encourages waste separation and incentivises recycling by reducing waste-collection fees.

Vote Rookie

Vote Rookie promotes youth participation in politics by combining digital tools, civic education and gamification in one web-based App.

Mobility Flat Rate in the City Zone

The City of Augsburg encourages the use of car-sharing, cycling, and public transport via a flat rate that provides a low-cost package for mobility at a fixed monthly price, on top of free public transport in the city zone.

MoBio – Mobile Biography for New Immigrants

A structured storage platform for biographical data facilitates the integration process for newly arrived migrants, allowing them to more easily navigate and manage the support services available to them.

Staatslabor (State lab)

A non-profit social laboratory provides experts, resources, and a platform to bring innovation and resilience to the public sector.