


We honour innovative political work that supports a functioning business environment in Europe and secures our prosperity, our independence and our European self-determination. We want flourishing and competitive businesses, and an Europe open for new opportunities, which attracts the best minds in technology and management.

Establishing Rural Working Hubs

Targeted redevelopment establishes Rural Working Hubs to meet local needs while also contributing to a more economically and environmentally sustainable future.

Summer of Pioneers, Wittenberge

A small but well-connected town attracts young remote workers to the area by offering them a year in discounted accommodation and access to a co-working space.

Regional Strategy for Social Economy

A regional employment agency sets up two integrative social enterprises to support and address the specific needs of disadvantaged and marginalised people with employment difficulties, providing skills development and work experience.


A gamified approach closes the gap between a low-skilled labour force and the fast-growing technical sector, with the help of a skills passport and a tailored education programme for job seekers.

KAPS – Flatshare Solidarity Project

A new kind of shared housing provides affordable student accommodation in exchange for involvement in neighbourhood solidarity projects which improve the lives of local residents.

Works+ Employability Service

Young people gain access to work thanks to a person-centred approach that teaches key skills and builds confidence, tackling a complex range of social issues and economic barriers.