HYBRIT: Fossil-Free Steel Plant
The first industrial-scale fossil-free steel demonstration plant will transform the steel and iron industry and facilitate the transition to a fossil-free society – both in Sweden and globally.

An online platform connects local businesses with consumers and offers them the opportunity to have their goods delivered by bike, thus supporting a local and sustainable economy.

Take-Away Lunches Help School Kids and Restaurants Cope with Corona
Ground-breaking public-private partnership scheme supports local restaurants through the Corona crisis, while providing home-schooled pupils with alternative school canteen lunches.

Establishing Rural Working Hubs
Targeted redevelopment establishes Rural Working Hubs to meet local needs while also contributing to a more economically and environmentally sustainable future.

Covid-19 Support for Gdynia’s Entrepreneurs
A city administration offers all businesses legal, marketing, and business-counselling support for free, to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Towarower (Freightliner)
Big business subsidises the cost of cargo e-bikes so that entrepreneurs can take advantage of the multiple benefits of delivering goods using this sustainable form of transport.

Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme
Businesses consult with older customers about the changes they could make to improve their services, and in doing so engage with an often neglected but expanding consumer base.

Works+ Employability Service
Young people gain access to work thanks to a person-centred approach that teaches key skills and builds confidence, tackling a complex range of social issues and economic barriers.

A publicly-owned company combines startup ecosystem support with urban cultural development, applying an interdisciplinary and integrated approach.

USE-IT! Unlocking Social and Economic Innovation Together!
This project has created a unique model of economic development that is inclusive and results in lasting urban regeneration, by raising aspirations, building community resilience, and connecting people to local resources.