18 digital solutions to support the vulnerable and people self-isolating
TechForce19 has awarded up to £25,000 each to innovations that offer a digital way to support vulnerable people who need to stay at home or need other help in the community for extended periods of time.
Suggestions on how to spend time with children during lockdown
The Italian project Villa Fernandes shares suggestions on meaningful activities for children during lockdown.
Food baskets for the homeless
To support the homeless during the coronavirus pandemic, the residents of Naples put baskets outside their windows filled with basic necessities.
A list of evidence sources for health- and social-system leaders
To provide political leaders, civil servants and other decision-makers in the political and public sphere with a knowledge base, McMaster University put together a list of evidence sources.
Participatory document for re-opening strategy
The city of Milan invites its citizens to contribute their ideas to the re-opening strategy for the city.
Adapting a public funding call to Covid-19
Adapting existing funding calls to Covid-19 crisis response measures allows for rapid product development to combat the crisis.
Virtual proceedings in the UK Parliament
The UK parliament allows Commons members to participate in sessions virtually.
Assisting businesses with their applications for financial support
A platform helps businesses identify the support programmes for which they can apply and describes the necessary steps.
Providing adequate assistance for homeless people
To care for homeless people during the pandemic whilst protecting public health, health professionals and social workers offer assistance in Bratislava.
Local platform for neighbourhood support
A local platform for neighbourhood support matches people who need help with those who offer it.
Covid-19 Rapid Response Call
To support scientists working on solutions for coping with the Covid-19 pandemic, a rapid response fund was launched.
Online gathering to share solidarity practices
The online magazine Cooperative City holds weekly gatherings with experts to talk about solidarity practices in different European cities.
Virtual zoo visit
Live-streams of the animals allow people to visit the zoo virtually while staying isolated at home.
Medically qualified migrants may help to tackle the coronavirus
Qualified doctors from foreign countries help Germany to overcome its shortage on medical personnel.
Supporting the most vulnerable through the production of personal protection masks
The Sanctuary Mask Initiative (SMI) provides hygiene masks for people living in Direct Provision Centres and other vulnerable populations in the community, including the elderly.