Helping experts and talents to create innovative solutions to serve their communities
With the “Solidarity Covid-19 Francophonie” platform, OIF set up a system to support digital talents in the French-speaking world to unite and create innovative solutions to serve their communities.
A tracking project to obtain, organise and publish high-quality data
A team of more than 100 volunteer data-grabbers, journalists, scientists, visualisation specialists, designers, project managers, and many others help fill public health data gaps.
Virtual hospital for decentralised special medical care
Decentralising special medical care through a digital platform which connects more than 200 hospitals allows for the efficient use of intensive care units.
Judo athletes practice online
The Austrian Judo Association organised a video camp for young athletes to “meet” and “train” with professional players.
Chatbot provides reliable information on the Covid-19 situation
A chatbot on government websites helps to prevent the spread of misinformation and keeps emergency phone lines free.
Free cleaning services for essential service providers
Free cleaning services are offered to essential services by a Canadian cleaning company.
Connecting businesses and individuals to find solutions for key challenges
Life Sciences Hub Wales connects innovators to accelerate the development of urgently needed products and treatments and to ease the pressures on health care services.
#WirvsVirus – Hackathons develop solutions to manage the crisis
The biggest Hackathon ever helped to develop digital solutions for more than 800 challenges and thus tackle the secondary effects of Covid-19.
Automatically opening and closing doors in public transport
To reduce the risk of infection, passengers no longer have to touch the door openers of metros, trams, and buses.
Providing funds for remote learning in schools
The Italian social enterprise “Con i bambini”, an institution that manages resources to combat educational and child poverty, asks current projects to evaluate the possibility supporting distance learning and assistance systems in Italian schools.
Self-Employed people help self-employed people
Self-employed people offer free courses for other self-employed people.
Books delivered to the most vulnerable
To bring fun and distraction to children and to help improve their mental wellbeing during the lockdown, a charity delivers books to local families.
Drive-in cinemas
Drive-in cinemas are safe way to watch movies in times of physical distancing.
A fund to support the creation of new artistic work for the public benefit
Ireland’s Arts Council is introducing a special fund enables Irish-based artists to make the art they created during Covid-19 related lockdown accessible to the public.
A municipality’s free online home fitness service
To keep its citizens fit during quarantine, the municipality of Chiavari, in partnership with health professionals, started free online fitness classes.