A message of thanks for volunteers
An LGBTQ support platform lets people write messages of thanks for its volunteers.
Homestage Festivals (virtual festival to support artists)
An online festival with livestreamed performances supports local artists.
Enjoying live theatre via Zoom
An Oxford theatre company staged a play on Zoom and invited their audience to participate.
Crowdsourcing data to visualize maps to identify current and potential hotspots
To make it possible for public health officials to evaluate anonymized real-time data on the spread of Covid-19, a platform asks citizens to provide live updates on their health conditions.
Hotels offer rooms to Covid-19 patients’ families and care staff
At a new online platform, hotels offer their rooms at cost price to care staff and family members of Covid-19 patients.
Digital education tools made available for free
Countries at the forefront of digital education are sharing their tools for free in a time of the crisis.
Free face masks
To make it easier for people to follow the rule to wear face masks in public, reusable face masks were delivered to each household in Ostrów Wielkopolski (Poland).
Organising an online City Council meeting
Ghent (Belgium) councillors followed the council meeting online on their home computers. It was the largest digital council meeting ever held in Flanders.
Car disco as an alternative nightlife experience
In Austria, car discos allow people to party without violating the safety measures for Covid-19.
Press conference only for children
The Norwegian Prime Minister answered children’s question in a unique press conference.
Virtual assistants answer citizens’ pressing questions related to Covid-19
The government of Panama developed two virtual assistants named Rosa and Paco. Both help citizens by answering questions about health and security matters during the coronavirus crisis.
Providing adequate assistance for homeless people
To care for homeless people during the pandemic whilst protecting public health, health professionals and social workers offer assistance in Bratislava.
Public broadcasting corporation supports education efforts
The Austrian public broadcasting corporation ORF decided to broadcast news, a broad set of documentaries and several tutorials for a young target audience who can currently not attend school due to COVID-19.
Family packages for keeping busy at home
An initiative sends books, toys, and arts and crafts materials to children in need.
Offering a fear-free news service
A news website was created which provides easy-to-understand and unemotional news coverage.