City councils, citizens and civil society organisations are creating measures in neighbourhoods and communities to sustain social cohesion and to keep our spirits up.
Online language buddies
A Swedish organisation connects newcomers with online language buddies helping both to cope with the isolation.
Public volunteer programme to support a country’s health structures
To meet the growing demands within a country’s health system, a volunteer programme for doctors, nurses, paramedics, psychologists, and students and retirees with a health or nursing background was set up.
Hotel rooms for victims of domestic abuse
With domestic abuse cases surging during Covid-19 lockdowns, hotel rooms and easily accessible counselling is offered to victims.
Nationwide Covid-19 volunteering effort
A government initiative coordinates volunteering efforts at a local and nationwide level, connecting state and voluntary resources.
A virtual space for children who fight oncological diseases
To support children with oncological diseases to overcome the boredom during lockdown, the LAD project has created a virtual space for them to share stories, magic, and more.
Bus stop turned into community art gallery
A teacher in the UK turned a local bus stop into a community art gallery to which everyone can contribute.
Virtual Facilitation Toolkit
A toolkit for virtual meeting facilitation supports moderators and facilitators in making the most of online formats.
Structuring a digital work day with others working from home
FNF MENA structures their day with digital check-ins at the beginning and end of each day and now they are inviting everyone to join in.
Pharmacy produces disinfectant with community support
A German pharmacy produces disinfect with ingredients obtained through wide community outreach.
Regional youth platform
The municipality of Reggio Emilia created a new section on its website where young people can find local online projects and services.
Online gathering to share solidarity practices
The online magazine Cooperative City holds weekly gatherings with experts to talk about solidarity practices in different European cities.
Providing hospitals and frontline medical staff with necessary equipment
To provide hospitals with missing equipment, an initiative crowdsources necessary materials such as masks and visors.