Monitoring the needs of regional communities and developing innovative solutions for them
A new coalition of civil society organisations was launched to meet the emerging needs of society during Covid-19 in all regions and neighbourhoods of Jordan.

Expanding bike lanes to prevent coronavirus spread
In the Colombian capital of Bogotá, bike lanes were temporarily opened to avoid crowds in times of social distancing.

Government loans for small businesses
To support businesses with fewer than 500 employees, the city of New York offers a loan-based Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Supporting active commuting
The city of Milan is drastically increasing the space for pedestrians and cyclists to allow enough space for active commuting.

Reconfiguring streets for physical distancing
The city of Portland gives more space to pedestrians and cyclists to make sure that commuters can move freely in times of physical distancing.

Participatory document for re-opening strategy
The city of Milan invites its citizens to contribute their ideas to the re-opening strategy for the city.

Cooking for heroes
A platform lists restaurants that are offering meals for people working in the care sector and other essential professions.

Hugging a tree helps people in isolation
Iceland’s forestry service encourages citizens to hug trees for five minutes a day. This is in line with research that suggests hugging trees reduces peoples’ stress levels.
A regional supply movement started by a provincial government
A culinary initiative in Lower Austria informs about regional food suppliers to support local businesses.