A government’s call for the general mobilisation of solidarity
Faced with the coronavirus epidemic, the French government calls for solidarity among citizens to support the most vulnerable groups of society.

A handbook to make governments more resilient for future crises
Code For Germany, a network of groups of volunteers (Labs), published a handbook for governments about challenges and possible solutions for crisis management.

Government offers free webinars for a “safe home office”
The government of the Austrian province Lower Austria offers free and publicly accessible webinars on the topic of “Secure Home Office”. They inform citizens on how to protect themselves and their data.

Educational app with WhatsApp integration
By integrating digital educational material into WhatsApp, it is more accessible for less privileged children.

Smart neighborhood support
A neighbourhood support platform can be reached both via an app and via phone hotline, to accommodate the needs of both the young and the elderly.

Corona explanatory video for children
The city of Vienna informs children about the coronavirus and protective measures by publishing a child-friendly explanatory video.

Digital infrastructure for homeschooling
The city of Vienna provides free laptops and a digital learning platform for students in need.

School television on local TV channel
The city of Vienna broadcasts lessons in major subjects and natural sciences for secondary students on the city’s TV channel.

Four insights about politics from the coronavirus crisis
In a blog article about our “Coping with the Crisis platform”, we share four policy insights which we have gained in the last few weeks.
This time, we would like to share four lessons we have learned with a focus on innovation in our political system.