An Innovation Map helps people to adapt to life during the COVID-19
A worldwide Innovation Map was launched to provide citizens with an overview of innovations helping to adapt to life during the coronavirus pandemic.

A colouring book to explain Covid-19 to kids
St. Jude Research Hospital published a special colouring book to help parents to talk about the coronavirus with their children.

Platform connects pupils with university students for support
An online platform connects pupils who need help with their remote learning tasks with university students who have time to help.

Online education on children’s rights
An online course teaches children about children’s rights and their application in the current situation.
Policy responses to Covid-19
Key economic responses taken by governments to limit the impact of the coronacrisis are tracked for the benefit of all.

Collective responses to global health emergencies
A platform invites local and regional governments of all sizes to share their initiatives tackling Covid-19 and other health emergencies.

Tech emergency aid for administration and social sector
An initiative provides support by volunteer tech talents so that health, logistics, and administration systems can continue their work.

Infoservice on Telegram
A city sends latest Covid-19 updates via Telegram directly to its inhabitants.
Online storytelling for young people
During the closures of libraries, a storytelling event for young people is organised online.