Parliament provides virtual tours
Since the Austrian parliament building is closed to visitors due to Covid-19 social distancing measures, it offers virtual tours live via YouTube.
Basic income for citizens
In April 2020 the Brazilian Congress decided to implement a basic income which is more than half of the Brazilian minimum monthly wage for the time of the coronavirus crisis.
Facebook group to offer and ask for help
A facebook group connecting people who offer and seek help has branched out across borders.
Co-creation platform for Covid-19 challenges
A platform calls for challenges related to the Covid-19 outbreak and facilitates the collaboration of different stakeholders to find solutions.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.
Offering free online educational materials to teachers
A publishing house makes its digital materials available to support teachers in remote teaching. Continuing education when children have to stay home requires digital materials that fit the curriculum. During the current Covid-19 outbreak many
An overview of investors ready to support Covid-19 solutions
A list shows investors who don’t only increase their existing investments, but who also support strong founding teams and their ideas regarding the secondary effects of Covid-19.
Press conference only for children
The Norwegian Prime Minister answered children’s question in a unique press conference.
A city’s job platform to create a pool of municipal workers
To be prepared for a shortage of employees in its services due to Covid-19 related sick leave, the City of Uppsala set up its own job platform.
Online lessons adapted to context
A dutch teacher humorously adapted the content of online lessons to topics relevant to students in their current situation.
“Emergency” marketing package for businesses
The emergency package helps businesses quickly retune their sales processes, change priorities and communication strategy, and minimise financial losses.
Creative ways for children to keep their distance
Primary schools in China help their pupils to keep a safe distance with creative, self-made distance aids.
A digital museum for children’s ideas, paintings, artworks, videos and sounds
As a children’s museum had to close its doors during the crisis, it decided to transform its website to an online gallery where children who are at home can display their work.
Drive-in cinemas
Drive-in cinemas are safe way to watch movies in times of physical distancing.
Take-away library books
A Swedish library organises contactless pick-ups of books outside the library to provide reading material during the lockdowns.