Free cleaning services for essential service providers
Free cleaning services are offered to essential services by a Canadian cleaning company.

Crowdfunding platform helps to realize solidarity projects
A crowdfunding platform encourages the financing of solidarity initiatives and projects during the Covid-19 crisis.

Using behavioral insights to enforce policy compliance
To reinforce the adherence to government policies by making them more normal and more obvious, the “Nudge theory” can be applied.

Restaurant cooks for helpers
After closing for customers, a gourmet restaurant cooks for crisis helpers.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.
Online storytelling for young people
During the closures of libraries, a storytelling event for young people is organised online.

A digital stage for art, music and theatre ensembles
A project which was developed during the German government’s Hackathon empowers music and theatre ensembles to rehearse at home and to perform live on a digital stage in front of an audience.
Helping governments to tackle challenges in technology, communications, and operations
A volunteer-run, non-partisan initiative helps governments to tackle challenges during the Covid-19 crisis.

Blog to bring people together
On a famous newsportal in Estonia a blog section was created to links people looking for information on jobs and/or where to get support with businesses/volunteers who can provide and assist.

Insurance company offers Corona Support Hotline
Generali Group is setting up a hotline for medical questions, IT problems, mental health issues, and personal concerns.

Pre-testing security protocols at airports and hotels
Spain is testing their new security measures at airports and hotels with a group of German tourists before the official reopening its borders.

Online gathering to share solidarity practices
The online magazine Cooperative City holds weekly gatherings with experts to talk about solidarity practices in different European cities.

Car disco as an alternative nightlife experience
In Austria, car discos allow people to party without violating the safety measures for Covid-19.

A print template for neighbor-to-neighbor support
A document available in 10 languages empowers communities to work together in times of crisis.

A digital museum for children’s ideas, paintings, artworks, videos and sounds
As a children’s museum had to close its doors during the crisis, it decided to transform its website to an online gallery where children who are at home can display their work.