Real-time occupancy indicators help make using the metro more fluid, avoiding delays during rush hour, and makes the trip more pleasant and less stressful.
Location / Entity: Municipality
Social Laundrette in the Municipality of Chania
The first social laundrette in Crete provides socially vulnerable citizens with the facilities to wash their clothes and take care of their personal hygiene, as well as a sense of self-worth and belonging.
Rainbow Crossings
A small Swedish town paints its road signs in rainbow colours, calling on residents to respect LGBTQ rights and reminding them that it is okay to be different.
HYBRIT: Fossil-Free Steel Plant
The first industrial-scale fossil-free steel demonstration plant will transform the steel and iron industry and facilitate the transition to a fossil-free society – both in Sweden and globally.
An e-governance App is launched which facilitates citizen participation and helps the administration communicate with the city’s residents.
A specifically designed App allows disabled parking card holders to more easily find an available parking space, while reducing the illegal occupation of these spaces by able-bodies drivers.
+Ricicli +Viaggi – the more you recycle the more you travel
A novel approach to recycling sees plastic bottles exchanged for discounts on public transport tickets in Italy.
LE TELE DI ARACNE, Sewing Academy
A new sewing academy is launched in a building confiscated from the Mafia, with the aim of giving new skills to young people from marginalised groups.