To improve peoples’ lives during lockdown and quarantine, the Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitalisation launched an initiative offering citizens innovative solutions and services.
Category: Government

Free online workshop on how to design digital services during Covid-19
Apolitical is offering a workshop teaching civil servants and policy a method that solves problems through designing, prototyping, and testing ideas with users.

Giving public space to bars and cafes
To support local businesses, the city of Vilnius allocates public space to bars and cafés so they can operate despite physical distancing rules.

Virtual proceedings in the UK Parliament
The UK parliament allows Commons members to participate in sessions virtually.

Expanding bike lanes to prevent coronavirus spread
In the Colombian capital of Bogotá, bike lanes were temporarily opened to avoid crowds in times of social distancing.

Government loans for small businesses
To support businesses with fewer than 500 employees, the city of New York offers a loan-based Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Supporting active commuting
The city of Milan is drastically increasing the space for pedestrians and cyclists to allow enough space for active commuting.

Reconfiguring streets for physical distancing
The city of Portland gives more space to pedestrians and cyclists to make sure that commuters can move freely in times of physical distancing.

Participatory document for re-opening strategy
The city of Milan invites its citizens to contribute their ideas to the re-opening strategy for the city.
A regional supply movement started by a provincial government
A culinary initiative in Lower Austria informs about regional food suppliers to support local businesses.
A government’s call for the general mobilisation of solidarity
Faced with the coronavirus epidemic, the French government calls for solidarity among citizens to support the most vulnerable groups of society.

A handbook to make governments more resilient for future crises
Code For Germany, a network of groups of volunteers (Labs), published a handbook for governments about challenges and possible solutions for crisis management.

Government offers free webinars for a “safe home office”
The government of the Austrian province Lower Austria offers free and publicly accessible webinars on the topic of “Secure Home Office”. They inform citizens on how to protect themselves and their data.

Digital infrastructure for homeschooling
The city of Vienna provides free laptops and a digital learning platform for students in need.

Daily sports lessons for elementary school children
In partnership with the Austrian Ministry of Education, SPORTUNION launched an online sports programme via Zoom and Facebook.

Allocation of free university resources for Covid-19 testing
A platform helps to allocate free university resources to laboratories for corona testing.

A government’s education resource centre
To support the education sector, non-governmental organisations and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic launched an online platform with up-to-date information and guidelines for schools, teachers, parents, and students.

Assisting businesses with their applications for financial support
A platform helps businesses identify the support programmes for which they can apply and describes the necessary steps.
A streaming platform offers high-quality educational videos
A streaming platform delivers high-quality educational videos that help Austrian teachers and pupils to make digital teaching more effective.

Free temporary bike sharing
The bike-sharing system in Berlin can be used for free for the first 30 minutes to make it more easily accessible.