An Instagram channel presents small businesses and ways to support them.

An Instagram channel presents small businesses and ways to support them.
In Glasgow, the City Council and the city’s Health and Social Care Partnership called for people to help out in home care services and residential homes.
Life Sciences Hub Wales connects innovators to accelerate the development of urgently needed products and treatments and to ease the pressures on health care services.
The Brazilian House of Representatives and the Senate agreed to implement the Remote Deliberation System (SDR) to ensure a working congress during lockdown.
A document sets out guidelines on how government employees should
approach challenges posed by the corona pandemic.
The Essex County Council (EEC), in partnership with Facebook and local communities, set up the Essex Coronavirus Action group which aims to provide the people of Essex with a trustworthy source of information and advice.
The city of Klagenfurt starts a service hotline which connects retired teachers with pupils who need educational support in main subjects.
To share stories of kindness and show that citizens’ sense of community is not confined by walls, the Mayor of London launched the #LondonTogether campaign.
A participation process brought the voices of students to education policy makers with the aim to improve remote learning.
Several streets in Vienna have been temporarily opened for pedestrians to make walking outside more compatible with physical distancing.
Qualified doctors from foreign countries help Germany to overcome its shortage on medical personnel.
To ensure that people follow social distancing rules, a district in Berlin temporarily widenes cycle lanes.
In April 2020 the Brazilian Congress decided to implement a basic income which is more than half of the Brazilian minimum monthly wage for the time of the coronavirus crisis.
As many EdTech projects are still unknown to teachers, parents and children, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry provides an overview of potential offers.
By fast-tracking innovation, the UK government aims to become better placed to maintain employment levels and make the UK more resilient to similar disruptions.
A small municipality in Lebanon is increasing its self-sufficiency by handing out seedlings to families with gardens or land.
To enable the efficient collection and sharing of available research data in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, the European Commission starts a new platform.
The government of Ontario started an initiative to empower citizens to help fight coronavirus. Citizens can offer emergency products and innovative solutions or volunteer to support the government’s response to Covid-19.
A new global learning platform to help address COVID-19 education crisis is launched by UNICEF to keep children learning.
To allow for smooth and un-bureacratic administrative support for voluntary services, the regional government of Rhineland-Palatine has set up an information initiative.