A trades-based training approach in a facility for young adults fills key-skill gaps in the local labour market.
A low level of economic activity and lack of any significant economic base is a particular problem within the Moyross area of Limerick City. The 2016 census shows that nearly a quarter of the highest unemployment areas in Ireland were in Limerick City and County, including Ballynanty (Moyross), with 43.6 percent unemployment. The target group for The Bays training programme is over 18 year old unemployed adults, primarily from within the Moyross regeneration area of Limerick City.
The Bays training facility delivers an integrated service approach to equip unemployed residents with the skills and confidence to secure employment. The facility provides a trades-based training approach, focused on equipping clients with industry-specific skills currently being sought in sectors such as construction and manufacturing. Each client progressing through the training programme is provided with a pathway to employment through the establishment of relationships with the private sector. Key skills gaps are identified in the existing labour market, and graduates of this programme are being offered jobs with industry partners to fill those immediate skills gaps.
holistic support for continuous personal progression
The Bays' innovative approach is characterised by a holistic way of working with its participants. The training extends beyond the acquisition of basic literacy, post primary educational qualifications, and 'hard' industry-specific skills, such as construction and specialist manufacturing. It includes soft skills content, such as leadership and personal development, whilst engaging with participants' wider family and support networks. Parents are supported to register each trainee with a doctor or dentist to address personal health issues. Counselling and drug and alcohol addiction support are also available as required, alongside mediation services. Since its start up in 2018, The Bays has developed a solid link between training and full-time employment. The Bays has a target to secure 200 jobs over five years. This is based on the ability to secure private sector partnership arrangements with existing and new industry in Limerick. By April 2019 about half of the 2019 target has been achieved. The sustainability of The Bays lies in harnessing all partners to deliver a pathway to employment that does not finish with immediate job placement. Supporting people towards continuous personal progression is critical.