
Best Practice in Politics

We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.


An Interrail pass grants free travel on trains to all young Europeans, for one month of their choice, when they turn 18.

3D Printed Respirators

This Czech 3D printing innovation allows for the quick and efficient, international production of high quality reusable masks that can be stored for ten years.

A Digital Date With Your Doctor

Routine visits to the doctor become a thing of the past in this Swedish locality with a digital service that relies on digital identification, SMS, and email.

A Farmers‘ Supermarket – Coeur Paysan

This is the supermarket where the notion of “eating local” finds its most accomplished form of expression; behind each product offered for sale there is a producer who commits himself and is present in the shop in direct contact with consumers.

Academy of Culture

Coordinated pre-school activities compensate for a lack of kindergartens in a Commune of Poland with dispersed villages.

Adopt a Grandad

This project in Milan represents ‘a meal across generations’ as senior citizens share their lunchtime with schoolchildren, increasing social cohesion.

Age-Friendly Ireland

Ireland has become a world leader in addressing elderly people’s issues, by setting up participative councils, making businesses aware, and preparing for population ageing.

Antivirus Crowdhackathon

Creative and hacking minds meet remotely, interpret the changes caused by COVID-19, and convert the global crisis into an opportunity for progress.

Arcueil, Edible City

Growing edible plants in public parks and green spaces makes this town’s community, in front of the Gates of Paris, more enjoyable, sustainable, and connected.


A series of programmes in personal development and creative exploration build new opportunities for talented young people and reveal their potential.

Can Do Bristol – Give, Live, Love Bristol

Bristol’s unique “One City” governance structure allows the city to face the corona crisis with resilience, as volunteers, politicians, communities, and the public and private sector work together holistically.

Child-Friendly Shopkeepers

A network of solidarity, in the form of a network of friendly shopkeepers, allows children to be more autonomous, while bringing back social trust and strengthening community ties.


A well-equipped shelter with a multidisciplinary team not only offers refuge to women and children fleeing domestic violence, but also assists them in administrative and legal procedures, and offers further activities to help them regain their self-confidence.

Citizens Round Tables / Urban Walks

Once a year, participative democracy takes place through discussing locally relevant issues with the officials over a cup of coffee or on the go, with the results being published on the town’s website.

Community Labs

Laboratories in Italy partner with local community organisations in marginalised communities to create projects and initiatives in the neighbourhood that focus on inclusion and social cohesion.

Cool Streets

A practice for heat adaptation in three of Vienna’s hottest areas converted urban streets to Cool Streets, offering water mist sprayers, seating, and neighbourhood-fostering features for four weeks.

Culture Token

Digital tokens use the carrot approach to reward environmentally-friendly behaviour with free access to arts and culture.

DB Rad+ App – Rewards for Cycling

Hamburg adopts the DB Rad+ app which employs gamification techniques and incentives to encourage cycling, and enables the city to make targeted infrastructure developments and promote local businesses.

Dublin Bikes

One of the world’s most successful bike sharing schemes provides green, healthy, and accessible city transport for the masses.

Empty Property as a Co-Creative City Lab

A small interdisciplinary urban consultancy promotes democratic design processes and focuses, in this project, on students becoming involved in the planning of public spaces in Asnæs, Denmark.

Energy Income

The project supports socially vulnerable citizens achieving energy independence, whilst creating a beneficial circle where non-consumed energy is used to finance new photovoltaic systems for further households.

First Cigarette-Butt Free Greek Beach

This endeavour unites residents and tourists in an effort to reduce the most common waste on Serifos’s beaches, cigarette butts, creating a new culture of beach behaviour.

Free Public Transport in Luxembourg

Revolutionary yet simple – free public transport enhances the environmental sustainability, social welfare, and quality of life of the residents of this small country.

Free Public Transportation

A Municipality in Bulgaria offers free public transport by purchasing its own buses instead of hiring a company to provide the service.

Gardens of Cracovians

Pockets of greenery transform forgotten patches of urban wasteland into community spaces for regeneration, social cohesion, nature, and culture.

Gdynia Storm Shelter

A complex system of financial, social, and cultural support services helps local residents in all social groups weather the “storm” of the coronavirus pandemic. 


An Interrail pass grants free travel on trains to all young Europeans, for one month of their choice, when they turn 18.

3D Printed Respirators

This Czech 3D printing innovation allows for the quick and efficient, international production of high quality reusable masks that can be stored for ten years.

A Digital Date With Your Doctor

Routine visits to the doctor become a thing of the past in this Swedish locality with a digital service that relies on digital identification, SMS, and email.

A Farmers‘ Supermarket – Coeur Paysan

This is the supermarket where the notion of “eating local” finds its most accomplished form of expression; behind each product offered for sale there is a producer who commits himself and is present in the shop in direct contact with consumers.

Academy of Culture

Coordinated pre-school activities compensate for a lack of kindergartens in a Commune of Poland with dispersed villages.

Adopt a Grandad

This project in Milan represents ‘a meal across generations’ as senior citizens share their lunchtime with schoolchildren, increasing social cohesion.

Age-Friendly Ireland

Ireland has become a world leader in addressing elderly people’s issues, by setting up participative councils, making businesses aware, and preparing for population ageing.

The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

Citizens of Ankara: Re-Assemble!

This innovative Citizens’ Assembly fosters trust and engagement among citizens and local stakeholders, building a more resilient and cohesive social and political landscape across the City of Ankara.

Condominium E-Voting – Successful E-Democracy

Condominium E-Voting allows residents to communicate their housing issues in a quick, easy, and safe manner, enhancing their engagement in the decision-making process and improving the efficiency of services.