A one-stop-shop for technological Covid-19 solutions
Two non-profits in Israel have set up a website to empower a country’s tech community with opportunities for collaborations and new ventures,
Opening streets for pedestrians
Several streets in Vienna have been temporarily opened for pedestrians to make walking outside more compatible with physical distancing.
Open-source sprint for the health system
Multiple teams working virtually to solve eight challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Connecting people with skills to solve Covid-19 related challenges
COVIDbase connects people with skills relevant to certain projects to inspire new ideas.
Fully digitising homeschooling
A programme by the City of Plovdiv in place since 2016 serves as a perfect starting point to tackle the challenges parents and schools face during lockdown.
Supporting the most vulnerable through the production of personal protection masks
The Sanctuary Mask Initiative (SMI) provides hygiene masks for people living in Direct Provision Centres and other vulnerable populations in the community, including the elderly.
Global innovation challenge
A global challenge for cost-effective solutions that help to prevent catastrophic effects of the coronavirus pandemic in developing countries.
Railway app prevents crowded trains
The booking system of the German National Railway Company has been reprogrammed to prevent the overcrowding of trains.
Providing email support for concerned citizens
To offer support for those who have no symptoms but feel stressed about being Covid-19 positive, an online consultation form was created.
Insurance company finances solidarity projects in France
An insurance company in France provides its members with exceptional assistance to help finance actions directly linked to the fight against Covid-19.
Offering free online educational materials to teachers
A publishing house makes its digital materials available to support teachers in remote teaching. Continuing education when children have to stay home requires digital materials that fit the curriculum. During the current Covid-19 outbreak many
Providing an online course about SDGs and global education
An online learning platform will be open to everyone to develop knowledge and tools to integrate these aspects into teaching practice.
A data sharing platform for researchers
To enable the efficient collection and sharing of available research data in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, the European Commission starts a new platform.
Free cleaning services for essential service providers
Free cleaning services are offered to essential services by a Canadian cleaning company.
Virtual court hearings during Covid-19
To replace in-person court hearings during the coronavirus crisis, video conferencing allows involved parties to go through with court proceedings.