Programming training for children at home
The Digital Kids Foundation opens its resources for child programming training and launches a virtual programming training initiative in early April until the end of quarantine.
Dedicated shopping hours for vulnerable groups
Panic buying has been a major negative side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. To support the elderly and people with disabilities, early-morning shopping hours are reserved for these groups.
City lists coronavirus community response
A community-sourced website lists services for people needing help and offering help.
Online storytelling for young people
During the closures of libraries, a storytelling event for young people is organised online.
Virtual Facilitation Toolkit
A toolkit for virtual meeting facilitation supports moderators and facilitators in making the most of online formats.
Establishing a city-wide 24/7 hotline to support those in need
A hotline is provided for the particularly vulnerable, to receive assistance with necessary errands. Some people are more vulnerable to infectious disease than others. In the case of Covid-19, the elderly and people with certain
TV education programme with celebrity support
The BBC’s new home education programme is supported by celebrities to make it more engaging for the pupils.
Debunking myths on Covid-19
Multilingual website offering reliable information on Covid-19 by experts and scientists.
Opening a job platform for freelancers, sole traders or micro entrepreneurs
To increase job opportunities for experts in advertising and PR, an existing expert portfolio will be opened to non-members to help them to find work.
Government offers free webinars for a “safe home office”
The government of the Austrian province Lower Austria offers free and publicly accessible webinars on the topic of “Secure Home Office”. They inform citizens on how to protect themselves and their data.
An Italian municipalitiy started a campaign to encourage people to combine jogging or walking with picking up trash, as a lockdown-compatible activity.
The Veterans Health Administration launches the Maker Challenge
To meet the needs of essential workers on the frontlines of the pandemic, Makers For Veterans (CAMVETS) set up a programme to create innovative solutions.
A streaming platform offers high-quality educational videos
A streaming platform delivers high-quality educational videos that help Austrian teachers and pupils to make digital teaching more effective.
Freshly cooked meals for hospital workers
To show solidarity to medical staff during the crisis, a group of volunteers mobilized to bring prepared meals to hospital workers.
A municipality’s free online home fitness service
To keep its citizens fit during quarantine, the municipality of Chiavari, in partnership with health professionals, started free online fitness classes.