Community support for healthcare workers
A volunteer platform for healthcare workers matches their requests for help with people offering their support.
Local platform for neighbourhood support
A local platform for neighbourhood support matches people who need help with those who offer it.
Anonymous Shopping Donations
To support people in need, people can donate goods while doing their shopping. The donations are then distributed by the municipality.
Digital workshops help children to stay in touch with each other
A project started by the Emilia Romagna region helps children to maintain relationships with each other and strengthens their imagination skills.
Competitions to entertain residents while they stay at home
To make the time families spend at home worthwhile the Kahramanmaraş Greater Metropolitan Municipality has started several entertaining competitions for its residents.
Supporting the LGBTQ youth
As LGBTQ youths may be particularly vulnerable to the negative mental health impact of Covid-19, the Trevor Project ensures that this vulnerable group gets the support they need.
Offering free online educational materials to teachers
A publishing house makes its digital materials available to support teachers in remote teaching. Continuing education when children have to stay home requires digital materials that fit the curriculum. During the current Covid-19 outbreak many
Interactive family platform run by family minister
The Italian Minister for Families runs an online platform for families to keep them informed on current situation and stay in contact with them.
A hotline for providing vulnerable groups with necessities
This initiative connects the elderly and those in need with volunteers and supermarkets to help them with their groceries.
Crowdfunding for hospital medical equipment
To support San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, citizens initiated a crowdfunding campaign which brought 4.5 million euros for new equipment for the ICU.
VIrtually seeing a doctor
Doctors open virtual practices to care for their patients online. At “KinderarztNow”, you dial in via laptop, smartphone or phone to have your personal session with a doctor.
A colouring book to explain Covid-19 to kids
St. Jude Research Hospital published a special colouring book to help parents to talk about the coronavirus with their children.
Co-creation platform for Covid-19 challenges
A platform calls for challenges related to the Covid-19 outbreak and facilitates the collaboration of different stakeholders to find solutions.
A campaign to share stories of kindness on social media
To share stories of kindness and show that citizens’ sense of community is not confined by walls, the Mayor of London launched the #LondonTogether campaign.
Insurance company finances solidarity projects in France
An insurance company in France provides its members with exceptional assistance to help finance actions directly linked to the fight against Covid-19.