City councils, citizens and civil society organisations are creating measures in neighbourhoods and communities to sustain social cohesion and to keep our spirits up.
Crowdfunding platform helps to realize solidarity projects
A crowdfunding platform encourages the financing of solidarity initiatives and projects during the Covid-19 crisis.
Regional youth platform
The municipality of Reggio Emilia created a new section on its website where young people can find local online projects and services.
Free parking for hospital staff and care workers
A city council offers free parking for hospital staff and care workers.
Helping governments to tackle challenges in technology, communications, and operations
A volunteer-run, non-partisan initiative helps governments to tackle challenges during the Covid-19 crisis.
Robot greets visitors
A robot greets visitors in an Austrian care home, takes their temperature and reminds them of wearing a mask.
An urban crowdsourcing platform for mutual aid
To connect those who offer help and those who need help, the City of Linz created a crowdsourcing platform.
Local platform for neighbourhood support
A local platform for neighbourhood support matches people who need help with those who offer it.
A government initiative supports organisations and individuals
#GdańskPomaga connects those who need support with those people who offer their support through an easy online form. This initiative is a joint effort by the city of Gdansk and its partners.
Isolation rooms for homeless people
To support homeless people the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski organized special isolation rooms for homeless people, which are fully furnished and equipped with bathrooms and care agents.
Spending a virtual night out in a wine bar
To provide customers with the possibility to spend time in a restaurant at least virtually, a restaurant organises a virtual night out via Zoom every other evening.
Facebook group to offer and ask for help
A facebook group connecting people who offer and seek help has branched out across borders.
Community help facebook groups
A facebook group helps people coordinate offers and requests for help across Denmark.