City councils, citizens and civil society organisations are creating measures in neighbourhoods and communities to sustain social cohesion and to keep our spirits up.

Displaying changemakers’ responses to Covid-19
Ashoka features projects by its fellows and communities worldwide which are solving challenges in our global crisis.

Digital artwork displayed on demand
To provide people with enjoyable moments during the coronavirus crisis, the artist Aoife Dunne displays his digital installation in their homes upon request.

A government’s hackathon to tackle challenges in developing countries
With the #SmartDevelopmentHack, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development aims to support the development of digital solutions to overcome Covid-19-related challenges in developing countries. The best solutions receive funding to increase their impact in the long term.

Bientina Instagram contest
An Italian municipality engages its youth in an Instagram challenge on how to stay positive at home.

#WirvsVirus – Hackathons develop solutions to manage the crisis
The biggest Hackathon ever helped to develop digital solutions for more than 800 challenges and thus tackle the secondary effects of Covid-19.

Cooking for heroes
A platform lists restaurants that are offering meals for people working in the care sector and other essential professions.

Anonymous Shopping Donations
To support people in need, people can donate goods while doing their shopping. The donations are then distributed by the municipality.
Creating a transparent system of financing and providing assistance
An initiative set up the largest database of requests for medical facilities and retirement homes in Slovakia. Within one month of its founding, the initiative managed to provide protective equipment and devices worth 1.3 million EUR.

Making a cycling festival corona safe
The Lake Erie Cyclefest is spread out over two months allowing participants to complete their rides without causing large crowds, where the virus could spread.

Telephone calls against loneliness
The social distancing measures implemented, are challenging for many people. To counter feelings of loneliness and isolation, a telephone project was initiated by the community on San Lazzaro (Italy). Community members are contacted and can share their feelings and needs or just have a quick exchange of words.

Children paint pictures for senior citizens
To ease the loneliness during the lockdown, children painted pictures to be given to retirement home residents as Easter presents.

Celebrities read children’s books to entertain, educate and raise funds
By providing fun and education to kids and parents stuck at home during the coronavirus outbreak, #SaveWithStories collects funds for children in need.