City councils, citizens and civil society organisations are creating measures in neighbourhoods and communities to sustain social cohesion and to keep our spirits up.
Virtual story time
Storytelling via videos on social media provides meaningful distraction in quarantine.
A city’s website for assistance and mutual help
To keep track of the things happening in the municipality of Milan, a website displays both the city’s services and mutual aid as well as community activities.
The Veterans Health Administration launches the Maker Challenge
To meet the needs of essential workers on the frontlines of the pandemic, Makers For Veterans (CAMVETS) set up a programme to create innovative solutions.
Tablets and internet access to for underprivileged pupils
Save the Children Italy provides children in their programmes with tablets and internet access to enable them to follow remote learning.
Covid-19 Rapid Response Call
To support scientists working on solutions for coping with the Covid-19 pandemic, a rapid response fund was launched.
Smart neighborhood support
A neighbourhood support platform can be reached both via an app and via phone hotline, to accommodate the needs of both the young and the elderly.
3d-printed ear guards for people constantly wearing masks
3D-printed ear guards relieve hospital staff from the pain caused by wearing protective masks all day.
Homestage Festivals (virtual festival to support artists)
An online festival with livestreamed performances supports local artists.
Provision packages for daily wage workers
Provision packages are being distributed to provide food for daily wage workers in India.
Anonymous Shopping Donations
To support people in need, people can donate goods while doing their shopping. The donations are then distributed by the municipality.
Special trolleys in supermarkets to support families in need
In Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily, Carrefour supermarkets collect basic necessities for families in need in designated trolleys placed at the checkout counter.
Code word for domestic abuse
In France and Spain women can use code words to report domestic abuse at pharmacies.