Spending a virtual night out in a wine bar
To provide customers with the possibility to spend time in a restaurant at least virtually, a restaurant organises a virtual night out via Zoom every other evening.
Using robots to disinfect hospitals
UVD robots can be used to disinfect contaminated hospital rooms.

“Emergency” marketing package for businesses
The emergency package helps businesses quickly retune their sales processes, change priorities and communication strategy, and minimise financial losses.

Support for community-led mutual aid groups
An online platform gives advice on how to start a local mutual aid group in times of Covid-19.

Using a government’s 3D printers to produce face visors
To overcome the shortage of protective equipment in the elderly care unit in the City of Malmö, government employees used 3D printers to find a solution.

Take-away library books
A Swedish library organises contactless pick-ups of books outside the library to provide reading material during the lockdowns.

Tallinn librarians read to children over the phone during lockdown
The librarians from Tallinn Central Library read books to children over the phone, Skype or Facebook until the government-imposed isolation ends.

Using bluetooth to contain the spread of the coronavirus
To reduce the rate of infection and help people avoid infection, Bluetooth can be used to detect users when get close enough to infect each other.

Web tracker checks inventories of big stores
As people are stockpiling essential goods during the coronacrisis, leaving supermarket shelve empty, two students from the University of Texas have invented a web tracker that checks inventories of stores.