Covid-19 tech competition
A funding competition invites the best tech innovators to contribute solutions to problems posed by Covid-19.

A tracking app helps researchers to better understand the symptoms and progress of COVID-19
A university published an app that can be used by the public to track symptoms and allows anyone to self-report daily.

Platform to help farmers find harvesters
An online platform connects farmers in need of harvesters with people looking for a job.

A digital museum for children’s ideas, paintings, artworks, videos and sounds
As a children’s museum had to close its doors during the crisis, it decided to transform its website to an online gallery where children who are at home can display their work.

A government app to make the population aware of Covid-19
An App provides citizens with information on various topics such as symptoms, a map indicating nearby health units and new official news.
Using open government data to address the Covid-19 outbreak
The OECD Secretariat is calling for evidence on the release and use of Open Government Data (OGD) in response to the Covid-19 outbreak.

A hotline for providing vulnerable groups with necessities
This initiative connects the elderly and those in need with volunteers and supermarkets to help them with their groceries.
Programming training for children at home
The Digital Kids Foundation opens its resources for child programming training and launches a virtual programming training initiative in early April until the end of quarantine.

Virtual story time
Storytelling via videos on social media provides meaningful distraction in quarantine.