How to protect businesses and employees during the crisis. How to optimise working from home. Ideas, services and technology that make our tasks easier in these extreme circumstances.
A data sharing platform for researchers
To enable the efficient collection and sharing of available research data in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, the European Commission starts a new platform.
Robot greets visitors
A robot greets visitors in an Austrian care home, takes their temperature and reminds them of wearing a mask.
Spending a virtual night out in a wine bar
To provide customers with the possibility to spend time in a restaurant at least virtually, a restaurant organises a virtual night out via Zoom every other evening.
Care Workers Fund
Covid-19 Care Workers Crisis Grants support health care professionals who need to self-isolate.
Collaboration between short film festivals
A cooperation between cancelled short film festival presents an online short film festival in support of those most affected by COVID-19.
Platform to help farmers find harvesters
An online platform connects farmers in need of harvesters with people looking for a job.
Identifying and solving the most pressing legal challenges after the pandemic
The FT Innovative Lawyers Global Legal Hackathon was launched to identify and create new products and services that address the most pressing legal challenges post-Covid-19.
The Veterans Health Administration launches the Maker Challenge
To meet the needs of essential workers on the frontlines of the pandemic, Makers For Veterans (CAMVETS) set up a programme to create innovative solutions.
Using crowdfunding to provide a face mask for every citizen
The municipality of Viterbo collects donations to empower companies to reconvert their production lines to the production of face masks.
A hotline for those who feel psychologically stressed
To support those who experience an increasing pressure in their personal or professional life, The Viennese Association of Psychotherapy offers help.
Helping experts and talents to create innovative solutions to serve their communities
With the “Solidarity Covid-19 Francophonie” platform, OIF set up a system to support digital talents in the French-speaking world to unite and create innovative solutions to serve their communities.
Government loans for small businesses
To support businesses with fewer than 500 employees, the city of New York offers a loan-based Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).