Nationwide Covid-19 volunteering effort
A government initiative coordinates volunteering efforts at a local and nationwide level, connecting state and voluntary resources.
Providing an online course about SDGs and global education
An online learning platform will be open to everyone to develop knowledge and tools to integrate these aspects into teaching practice.
Basic income for citizens
In April 2020 the Brazilian Congress decided to implement a basic income which is more than half of the Brazilian minimum monthly wage for the time of the coronavirus crisis.
Providing a knowledge bank for online tools that are an alternative to personal meetings
A knowledge bank offers materials on how to facilitate digital study circles and cultural events.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.
Online support for treating the psychological effects of the crisis
To support citizens who experience a high stress level, the city council of Barakaldo announced the start of an online psychological support programme.
An overview of investors ready to support Covid-19 solutions
A list shows investors who don’t only increase their existing investments, but who also support strong founding teams and their ideas regarding the secondary effects of Covid-19.
Opening a job platform for freelancers, sole traders or micro entrepreneurs
To increase job opportunities for experts in advertising and PR, an existing expert portfolio will be opened to non-members to help them to find work.
Open-source sprint for the health system
Multiple teams working virtually to solve eight challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Matchmaking for dog walking
A Facebook group helps people who are self-isolating at home to get help walking their dog.
Support for community-led mutual aid groups
An online platform gives advice on how to start a local mutual aid group in times of Covid-19.
Cultural Survival Fund
To support artists who experience cancellations of their performances, a fund was made available for those in immediate need of support. Besides focusing on the primary effects in crises, one also has to tackle the
3D printing door openers
To prevent the transmission of Covid-19, a 3D printer plan for innovative door openers is provided. The transmission of Infectious diseases is not only a matter of personal interaction. To prevent the spread of Covid-19
A municipality’s free online home fitness service
To keep its citizens fit during quarantine, the municipality of Chiavari, in partnership with health professionals, started free online fitness classes.
Providing email support for concerned citizens
To offer support for those who have no symptoms but feel stressed about being Covid-19 positive, an online consultation form was created.