Building a global open-source platform for low-cost solutions
The United Nations Development Programme and Hackster.io join forces with the world’s brightest technology companies to develop solutions for those who will be hardest hit by this pandemic.

Reconfiguring streets for physical distancing
The city of Portland gives more space to pedestrians and cyclists to make sure that commuters can move freely in times of physical distancing.

Supporting the LGBTQ youth
As LGBTQ youths may be particularly vulnerable to the negative mental health impact of Covid-19, the Trevor Project ensures that this vulnerable group gets the support they need.

Digitising a school during the Covid-19 pandemic
While thousands of schools in Germany struggle with teaching children through online tools, one school in Bavaria completely digitised itself.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.

Shopping and pharmacy deliveries
A municipality offers shopping and pharmacy deliveries with the help of volunteers from a local NGO.

Tallinn librarians read to children over the phone during lockdown
The librarians from Tallinn Central Library read books to children over the phone, Skype or Facebook until the government-imposed isolation ends.

Corona Tech Handbook
A crowdsourced handbook collects detailed practical information on how to address the currend outbreak of COVID-19.

ID could function as a debit card to receive financial benefits
A government is exploring ways to transfer benefits to citizens without bank accounts.

Corona explanatory video for children
The city of Vienna informs children about the coronavirus and protective measures by publishing a child-friendly explanatory video.

A tracking app helps researchers to better understand the symptoms and progress of COVID-19
A university published an app that can be used by the public to track symptoms and allows anyone to self-report daily.

Free postcards for staying in touch
Ireland’s postal service delivers free postcards nationwide to help everyone stay in touch and keep spirits up.

Guidance manual for protecting educational facilities
The WHO published a guidance manual with official information on Covid-19 prevention in educational facilities.

Telephone chain for people living alone
A telephone chain makes sure that people living alone have at least two small conversations daily.

Supporting young people in launching projects to support their region
To motivate young people to develop ideas that support their neighbourhood, city or region, “wweeddoo” called for the best ideas and offers them financial support.