The OV-Coach programme provides coaching to children with special needs to learn to use public transport, cycle, or walk to their destination, fostering independent life skills and inclusion for people with disabilities.
Country: Netherlands
HackShield in the Class
HackShield in the Class is a free programme that empowers children to protect themselves and others against cybercrime through fun and interactive educational activities, while providing teachers with the necessary tools for preparing their students for a digital future.
Rijnvliet Edible Neighbourhood
Participatory co-design creates a residential neighbourhood around accessible urban agriculture, enhancing the quality of life for inhabitants and the rich biodiversity for all living things.
RESILIO – Resilience Network of Smart, Innovative Climate-Adaptive Rooftops
Smart blue-green roof technology mitigates the effects of extreme weather events while increasing biodiversity and protecting the most vulnerable in society from environmental pressures.
Mixed Youngster Housing Community
Startblok Riekerhaven aims become more that just a housing project, and function as a self-managed community for Dutch young people and young foreigners that provides a good start to adult life in the Netherlands.
Sustainability Street by Street (The Hague)
A system in the Hague supports neighbourhood sustainability projects, by providing financial support and advise.
Humanitas Retirement Village
Students receive free accommodation for 30 hours per month of their time to support the care of elderly care home residents.
Cooperative Council Groningen
Neighbourhood ambassadors and randomly selected citizens work with politicians to build trust between people and politics, connecting participatory and representative sides of democracy.
A decentralised town hall allows citizens to conduct municipal affairs online or in any physical location within the municipality.
House of Skills
A skills-based labour market is developed by uniting various organisations in career programmes, to support the sustainable employability of lower- and medium-skilled workers.
A gamified approach closes the gap between a low-skilled labour force and the fast-growing technical sector, with the help of a skills passport and a tailored education programme for job seekers.
Super Circular Estate
Outdated high-rise buildings are deconstructed and the recovered materials reused to build sustainable, modern social housing units, with low carbon footprints.